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Lyme Disease

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Preventing and treating Lyme disease: What clinicians need to know

With summer on its way, that means mosquito and tick season are also back. While the majority of insect bites are not something to worry about, health experts are warning clinicians to stay alert on deer ticks and Lyme disease. Read more to learn about the symptoms to look out for and prevention steps.

Children’s Minnesota infectious disease PNP begins Lyme disease outreach with NAPNAP and CDC

Ashley Gyura, APRN, CNP, DNP, a pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) in infectious disease at Children’s Minnesota, has been selected as the clinical expert advisor with the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Association (NAPNAP) for the Nurse Practitioner Education and Knowledge Assessment for Lyme Disease Initiative, made possible by a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Grand Rounds: The Initial Approach to Children with Possible Lyme Disease

July 25, 2019, 8 a.m. – 9 a.m., Minneapolis

Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH

Conditions and Services

At Children's Minnesota, we're the state's leading experts in the prevention of perinatal HIV transmission (from mother to child). That's far from all that we specialize in, though. Here are some of the conditions we treat: