Years 5-10 exam and immunization schedule

5 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP); Polio (IPV); Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR); Chickenpox (Varicella); Influenza†; These pre-kindergarten immunizations may be completed at age 4 or 5.

Lab/other: Fluoride varnish1
Screenings: Developmental/behavioral screening

6 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Influenza;
Lab/other: Lipid profile, Vision and hearing2
Screenings:  Social/emotional screening

7 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Influenza
Lab/other: Lipid profile, Vision and hearing2
Screenings:  Social/emotional screening

8 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Influenza
Lab/other: Lipid profile, Vision and hearing2
Screenings:  Social/emotional screening

9 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Influenza; Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Lab/other: Lipid profile, Vision and hearing2
Screenings:  Social/emotional screening

10 year well child checkup

Examinations: Physical examination; Weight and height; Blood pressure; Body mass index (BMI)
Immunizations: Influenza
Lab/other: Lipid profile, Vision and hearing2
Screenings:  Social/emotional screening

1Fluoride varnish available

Vision and hearing

†Influenza – once a year during flu season.

‡HPV – 2 doses given typically 6 months apart and starting at the 9 year old well child visit. If first dose given on or after 15th birthday (and through age 26), 3 doses are given.

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Children’s Minnesota goes above and beyond to help prevent and treat pain with Children’s Comfort Promise.


Children’s Minnesota has a broad range of education materials as an information resource for parents. In addition to what to expect at each well child visit, developmental milestones and speech and language development, there is a wealth of information on everything from breastfeeding and medication charts to medical conditions and first aid. See our patient and family education materials for a complete listing.