Education materials and other resources

We know you may want to dig for more information, so we gathered these easy-to-digest materials and resources from pediatric organizations in Minnesota and beyond.

Patient and Family Education Materials If you need quick, clear info about a kids’ health topic, we have it all!

Anesthesia: Questions and answers What it is, how it’s delivered and how you can prepare your child (Somali and Spanish translations available at link).

Body cooling Why it’s done and how it can help prevent brain damage in babies who experienced lack of oxygen during birth.

Bones, Muscles and Joints Use of some antiepileptic drugs can lead to bone thinning. Here’s how you can keep your child’s bones strong.

Chiari I malformation Learn about this condition in which part of the brain extends into the spinal canal.

Concussion Symptoms, first aid and medical treatment for this common form of brain injury in children.

Eating and drinking before anesthesia or sedation Read up on these important pre-surgery safety measures (Somali and Spanish translation is available at the link).

Electroencephalogram How to prepare your child, plus tips for keeping kids happy and relaxed during the test.

Electroencephalogram (ambulatory) Tips to get ready for an extended EEG in which your child wears a recording device overnight.

Electroencephalogram instructions (ambulatory) How to record your child’s activities and indicate seizures during the test.

Electromyogram (EMG) and nerve conduction study (NCS)An overview of this diagnostic test which measures nerve and muscle function.

Epidural analgesia Learn about this common type of anesthesia that blocks pain without causing loss of consciousness.

Febrile seizures An overview of this common cause of seizures in children (also in Spanish).

Genetic conditions Read up on what they are and how they’re passed from parent to child (Hmong, Somali, and Spanish translations available at link).

Helping children cope with medical procedures Tips for helping kids feel more calm and relaxed before surgery.

Hydrocephalus Read up on this early-childhood condition, which often requires surgical treatment (Spanish translation is available at the link)

Information for parents about integrative medicine How mind-body therapies can help you and your child cope during medical procedures.

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in premature infants What it is, how it’s diagnosed and its effects on babies’ development.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) What it is, what to expect and how to help your child before and during the procedure.

Medicine safety Ways to prevent accidental overdoses, adverse interactions and other errors (Spanish translation available at link).

Mobility Changes: helping children cope Ideas for comforting and entertaining a kid who’s stuck in bed.

Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Overview of this genetic condition that causes skin changes and nerve tumors (Hmong, Somali, and Spanish translations available at link).

Nitrous oxide for sedation How and when it’s used, what to expect and how to help kids prepare (Spanish translation available at the link).

Pain in children and adolescents Read up on Children’s approach to pain management, plus how to help your child cope (Hmong, Somali, and Spanish translations available at link).

Pain in infants. Why it happens, how to recognize it and Children’s approach to relieving it (Hmong, Somali, and Spanish translations available at link).

Patient-controlled analgesia Learn about a system that allows kids to take control of their own pain management.

Peripherally inserted central catheter: care at home Tips for cleaning, flushing and preventing infection.

Plagiocephaly Learn about the causes and treatment of misshaped head in infants.

Sedation for a procedure What it is, plus tips for caring for your child afterward.

Seizures First aid instructions, plus when to seek medical help or emergency care.

Sturge-Weber Syndrome Read up on this vascular disorder that can affect the brain and spinal cord (also in HmongSomali and Spanish).

Traumatic brain injury: Effects on speech How TBI affects communication, plus tips for helping your child.

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Learn about this genetic disorder, which is often accompanied by seizures (Hmong, Somali and Spanish translations available in the link).

Video electroencephalogram (EEG) – Inpatient Read up on this epilepsy monitoring procedure that records brain activity and physical activity at the same time.

Video electroencephalogram (EEG) – Outpatient How to prepare for a video EEG performed at the doctor’s office.

Wound care Tips for caring for a surgical site at home and preventing infection (Hmong, Somali, and Spanish translations available at link).

There’s more

Check out these fantastic resources from Children’s clinical programs and our kids’ health blog, Mighty.

Children’s brain and spinal cord tumor page is packed with useful information, including types of tumors, how they’re diagnosed and treatment options.

Children’s epilepsy program offers a treasure trove of articles and useful community organizations.

Children’s Getting Ready for Surgery page provides a wealth of information to help parents, kids and teens get ready for the big day.


At Children’s Minnesota, we know how important reliable information about conditions and illnesses is.