News & Events

Youth Advisory Council

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A visit to the Minnesota Capitol: Two students meet with legislators to effect change

Earlier this Spring, Children’s Minnesota brought a group of students from its Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to visit the Minnesota State Capitol and talk with legislators on issues that are important to them.

Ice sculptors transform patients’ drawings into art at the Saint Paul Winter Carnival

Ice sculptors transformed the drawings of five Children’s Minnesota patients into pieces of frozen art at the 2024 Saint Paul Winter Carnival.

Noah shares what it’s like to have a medically complex sibling

Noah Bachman is 15 years old and has been a member of our Youth Advisory Council (YAC) for four years. He shares what it’s like to have a medically complex sibling.

Thriving with type 1 diabetes — Yesica’s story

Yesica was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus when she was 10 years old. After a decade of managing diabetes — through childhood, adolescence and now adulthood — Yesica has had the opportunity to learn a lot about her condition and herself.

Youth Advisory Council Member Profiles

Here are profiles of the kids currently on the Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

Youth Advisory Council

Our Motto: We ARE the children here.  Who knows Children's better than patients? As members of Youth Advisory Council (YAC), we draw on our experiences to help Children's be the best place possible for kids.