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Dr. Stuart Winter publishes decades-long research in premier journal

Dr. Stuart Winter, chief research officer, is one of 52 authors on a paper that will soon be published in “Nature,” the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. The study is titled “The Genomic Basis of T-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL).” Congratulations Dr. Winter and team on these remarkable advances!

Two Children’s Minnesota neuro-oncologists join the nation’s top investigators in medulloblastoma clinical trial

An exciting phase two clinical trial led by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital neuro-oncologists recently launched at Children’s Minnesota. Anne Bendel, MD, director of the pediatric neuro-oncology program, and Maggie Skrypek, MD, pediatric neuro-oncologist at Children’s Minnesota, are investigators in the study and will play key roles in managing the trial, completing the study, and preparing the results for publication.

Clinical trials at Children’s Minnesota give Lincoln and other kids access to new treatments

14-year-old Lincoln's active life came to a near standstill when he was diagnosed with a bleeding disorder called ITP. However, clinical trials at Children's Minnesota gave Lincoln access to a new treatment, before it became widely available.

Children’s Minnesota doctor awarded with $100,000 childhood cancer research grant from Hyundai Hope On Wheels

During the event, children battling cancer participated in Hyundai Hope On Wheels’ signature Handprint Ceremony, in which they dipped their hands in paint and placed their handprints on a white 2023 Hyundai Tucson.

Children’s Minnesota videos receive industry awards

Several videos produced by Children’s Minnesota have won industry awards from the Viddy Awards, Communicator Awards, and Telly Awards.

Camille’s courage: experimental ‘tumor paint’ helps light the way for toddler’s brain tumor removal procedure

After an MRI scan detected a golf ball-sized tumor in Camille's brain, her family agreed to enroll her in a research trial underway at the time at Children’s Minnesota.

Researcher spotlight: Dr. Brianne Roby, pediatric ENT and facial plastic surgery

Dr. Brianne Roby, director of the cleft and craniofacial team in the ear, nose and throat (ENT) and facial plastic surgery program on the St. Paul campus at Children’s Minnesota, has led research studies that span a wide range of topics. Some of Dr. Roby’s most extensive research work has been to apply various medical technologies to pediatric populations. Two areas Dr. Roby is especially passionate about include the use of eye-tracking technology and the use of nasometers with children.

True chemistry: how clinical trial combined with a love for science brings Kyla to Children’s Minnesota

After graduating college with a degree in chemistry in 2022, Kyla's career was suddenly put on hold when doctors found an ovarian tumor. But her appreciation for science and research would play a big role in her fight and recovery.

Children’s Minnesota attended the 2023 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting

Were you in Washington D.C. for the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting in April 2023? Children’s Minnesota was! PAS is the premier national meeting for pediatric research at every career stage.

Health equity actions: understanding data disaggregation

In the Talking Pediatrics episode, “Health Equity Actions: Understanding Data Disaggregation,” guest host Adriene Thornton discusses this complex area of health equity with Dr. Nathan Chomilo, pediatrician and medical director for the State of Minnesota’s Medicaid and MinnesotaCare programs. Thornton is the manager of health equity at Children’s Minnesota.