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A visit to the Minnesota Capitol: Two students meet with legislators to effect change

Earlier this Spring, Children’s Minnesota brought a group of students from its Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to visit the Minnesota State Capitol and talk with legislators on issues that are important to them.

Meet the Team Superstars athletes running at Grandma’s Marathon weekend

We are excited to introduce you to the incredible kid experts and grateful families who are running at Grandma’s Marathon weekend 2024.

The Kid Experts bring car seat safety to the community

The injury prevention team at Children’s Minnesota has taken a proactive approach to help educate families about the importance of car seats and how to use them correctly.

Like father like son: Peter Pearson continues his dad’s music and storytelling legacy at Children’s Minnesota

Peter Pearson, marketing lead for community events and sponsorships, may have only officially joined the Kid Experts at Children’s Minnesota one year ago, but the Pearson family legacy began four decades prior with his dad, Jack Pearson.

Mourning the loss of Minneapolis police officer, Jamal Mitchell

Children’s Minnesota is devastated to hear of the passing of Minneapolis police officer Jamal Mitchell. Mitchell was shot and killed in the line of duty while responding to a shooting on Thursday night. Our sympathies go out to his family and coworkers, as well as to the other, still unnamed, officer who was also shot and wounded.

Meet Doug, first patient at Children’s Minnesota to undergo pioneering heart surgery in 1985

Doug was born in 1985 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a complex and rare birth defect. He became the first patient at Children's Minnesota to undergo an innovative surgery to rebuild the heart of an infant with HLHS.

Highlighting our nurses for Nurses Month

In honor of Nurses Month, we’re highlighting nurses from various care communities, specialties and roles.

Nikki’s lifelong fight with cystic fibrosis: a story of resiliency

Nikki was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) at the age of 5 and has been fighting through it since. Nikki is now 48 and credits this to Children's Minnesota. "Children's Minnesota helped set the foundation for me to live longer than expected."

Audiologist talks about her role at Children’s Minnesota

In celebration of National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, we sat down with Jesi Novak, Au.D., CCC-A, PASC, lead audiologist, to learn more about her role at Children’s Minnesota.

One nurse’s full-circle career at Children’s Minnesota

As kid experts at Children's Minnesota, our care can have a lasting impact on patients and families. Routine clinic visits build long-term relationships that evolve as kids grow into young adults. And, hospital stays can be formative experiences in our young patients’ lives.