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Gun violence

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Mourning the loss of Minneapolis police officer, Jamal Mitchell

Children’s Minnesota is devastated to hear of the passing of Minneapolis police officer Jamal Mitchell. Mitchell was shot and killed in the line of duty while responding to a shooting on Thursday night. Our sympathies go out to his family and coworkers, as well as to the other, still unnamed, officer who was also shot and wounded.

Mourning the loss of first responders in Burnsville

We mourn the three heroes recently shot and killed in Burnsville, grieve with their families, and honor their service.

A message to the people of Kansas City

We offer our deepest condolences to everyone affected by the horrific shooting. We must do better, especially for our children.

“Here’s the story that changed my life as a pediatrician.” Insight from Children’s Minnesota doctors on kids and guns.

All parents, whether they’re gun owners or not, have a role to play in keeping kids safe from guns, Take it from two Children's Minnesota pediatricians, who have seen firsthand what guns can do.

Transforming hurt into healing: Next Step and Children’s Minnesota

“Hurt people hurt people. Healing people heal people,” says Kentral Galloway, director of Next Step which aims to break the cycle of violence in our community. Here’s how Next Step is making a difference for patients and families at Children’s Minnesota.

Priscilla Brown lost her teen son to gun violence. Now she’s working to save other people’s sons.

Progress on gun safety has been painfully slow. It’s hard not to feel hopeless when young people are injured or killed by gun violence. That’s why I admire people like Priscilla Brown who don’t give up, despite the devastation guns have caused in their own lives.

Action against gun violence: pediatric health care professionals pen open letter to Minnesota lawmakers

More than 160 pediatric providers from health systems statewide have joined Children’s Minnesota in calling on Minnesota lawmakers to take further action to prevent gun violence.

Join us for a community resources and gun buyback event in Minneapolis

On Oct. 28 and 29, there will be a free community event that will focus on building relationships, providing resources = and encouraging people to participate in the gun buyback opportunity.

A new way of thinking about guns

Gun violence is a public health crisis, for adults and for kids. Here are two things you can do to help.