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Gun Safety

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Kids and guns: three assumptions, two choices, one goal

I’ve seen firsthand the devastation guns cause. I've also seen our country contain a public health threat and save millions. That is the way forward.

A message to the people of Kansas City

We offer our deepest condolences to everyone affected by the horrific shooting. We must do better, especially for our children.

“Here’s the story that changed my life as a pediatrician.” Insight from Children’s Minnesota doctors on kids and guns.

All parents, whether they’re gun owners or not, have a role to play in keeping kids safe from guns, Take it from two Children's Minnesota pediatricians, who have seen firsthand what guns can do.

Priscilla Brown lost her teen son to gun violence. Now she’s working to save other people’s sons.

Progress on gun safety has been painfully slow. It’s hard not to feel hopeless when young people are injured or killed by gun violence. That’s why I admire people like Priscilla Brown who don’t give up, despite the devastation guns have caused in their own lives.

A new way of thinking about guns

Gun violence is a public health crisis, for adults and for kids. Here are two things you can do to help.

This is what guns do

Seven dead. Thirty wounded. Hundreds terrorized by a sniper during a 4th of July parade. A horrific reality no one should have to endure. But did you know the Highland Park massacre was one of ten mass shootings that day?

Minnesota health care systems declare gun violence a public health crisis

Dr. Marc Gorelick, president and CEO of Children's Minnesota, joined health care leaders across Minnesota to express their shared view that gun violence is a public health crisis.