Shine Bright for Kids

Make a donation.

Give today — and make every moment brighter for kids with cancer
and blood disorders

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Fundraise for Children’s Minnesota

Make an impact in September by creating your own Shine Bright for Kids fundraiser. Maybe you’ve personally experienced the Children’s Minnesota cancer and blood disorders program, or you have a loved one or friend who has. Or, you want to be part of a greater community rallying around families affected by cancer or a blood disorder. By fundraising and sharing your story, you’ll make a difference for more than 3,500 kids — and their families — who are cared for by our dedicated, highly specialized cancer and blood disorders team each year.

How to get your business involved in the 2024 campaign

Be a part of Shine Bright for Kids this September by providing special discounts or promotions to help us raise money for the cancer and blood disorders program at Children’s Minnesota. How your business gets involved is up to you — you could do a point-of-sale round-up donation or matching-funds gift. Complete this campaign proposal form and a representative from Children’s Minnesota will contact you »

Why support Children’s Minnesota?

We care for the majority of children in our region who face cancer. That means your support goes directly to help families right here at home. As the largest and most specialized cancer and blood disorders program in the Upper Midwest, we know that families rely on us to be the experts. It’s a big job, and it requires the support of our entire community.

Your donation, partnership, or fundraising efforts fund everything from special therapies to life-saving research to mortgage and rent relief. Donations also enable us to make sure families have child life specialists, social workers, arts therapists and other team members who provide vital services not covered by insurance, services that never show up on a patient’s bill.

Read our patient stories below:

Carpenter family story

In 2017, Brian and Leah Carpenter — already parents to daughters Emilia and Kaelin — were considering adding to their family through adoption. They learned about Bhanu, a 3-year-old in India living with severe thalassemia, an incurable blood disease that requires lifelong care. As soon as they saw her picture, they knew: this was their daughter.

Read their story»

Bhanu, Isla and Eden at home
Riley and his family

Riley’s story

For 10-year-old Riley and his family, the summer was not the break they were hoping for. In early June, Kacy and Cody got the news – their son had cancer, specifically a rare form of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They were understandably sad and hoping it was all a bad dream. But from the beginning, the family decided they were going to face cancer head on and focus on staying positive.

Read his story»

Naz’s story

Naziere “Naz” Evans has been in and out of the hospital more times than he can remember. Some of his stays lasted one week, while others up to two weeks. He’s even spent holidays in the hospital. Each time he was admitted, it was for the same thing – severe pain and anemia requiring transfusion caused by sickle cell disease; a condition that 20-year-old Naz was born with.

Read his story»

Matty FB

Matty’s story

From the outside, Matty looks like your typical 14-year-old who enjoys sports and, like many Minnesotans, especially hockey. But all those sports and activities had to come to an abrupt stop when he was first diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenia or ITP – a platelet disorder where the blood does not clot as it should because of a low platelet count. This meant Matty had trouble stopping the bleeding when he had a cut or injury.

Read his story»

Tamara’s story

Tamara and her mom discuss the challenges of sickle cell disease and how staying rooted in their faith and focusing on personal resilience helps. “[Living with sickle cell disease] makes me proud, because I know I can do better and I can be stronger than what I am, and it turns out that I am,” Tamara shares.

Hear their story»

Tamara and Candice

Here is what your support impacts

With your donation, we’re able to deliver extraordinary care to children living with cancer and blood disorders — not only the best medicine and latest treatments but also the healing support of a devoted team that includes child life specialists, social workers, arts therapists and many more.