Fall 2018 update: Diabetes technology

Tiina Salo, RN, CDE


Greetings from the world of diabetes technology! Just a few months ago, we shared an update in the available technology for T1D. However, soon after we shared several new updates were released! See the most up to date technology that has been pre-approved by McNeely Diabetes Clinic for use in pediatric patients. Once again, we want to make sure that you are informed from a trusted source!

  • Animas has ended their production of insulin pumps. Medtronic has taken over their contract and will be offering the 630G insulin pump to patients in warranty through Fall 2019. If you are an Animas pump user who plans to use your pump as long as possible, please be aware that if you do experience pump failure you may need to go back to injections as we are unsure of the availability of back-up Animas insulin pumps and it may take a short period of time to secure a new pump and receive training.
  • As of June 2018, the Children’s Minnesota Diasend account (sponsored by Animas Corporation) will be closing. If you currently use Diasend to download your insulin pump you can transitions to Glooko (there may be a fee for use) or use Zoom Pro and send in reports via MyChildren’s.
  • Dexcom G6 is now available (as of June 2018) on Apple iPhone and Android devices (including smart watches). Similar to previous versions, Dexcom has the Dexcom Share app that allows others to follow along and receive alerts when blood glucose is high or low. Dexcom G6 is approved for 10 days of wear, zero calibrations, and approval to dose off of sensor glucose! Dexcom G6 has all of the training materials included in the starter kit as well as on their website for a simple and easy self start at home. Current Dexcom G5 users will be upgraded to Dexcom G6 as their current transmitter expires (every 90 days). Please contact your pharmacy to see when you’re eligible!
  • In November of 2017 the FDA approved the Freestyle Libre for use in the US, for patients 18 years and older. The Libre is a disposable glucose sensor that is changed every 10 days and does not require calibrations. If you want to know your glucose level simply use the Libre reader to scan the sensor. Important note – you will not receive high or low alerts with the Libre system, glucose values will only be read when you scan the reader over the sensor. The Libre system is offered at a lower over the counter cost than alternative continuous glucose monitors that may make it more attainable if insurance will not approve the CGM through pharmacy benefits.
  • The Medtronic 670G pump and sensor are now shipping together. When in use the together the pump will self adjust basal rates and correction doses based on sensor glucose, this is called ‘auto mode’.
  • The new Medtronic Guardian Connect CGM was approved Spring 2018 and is now available to the public. The Guardian Connect reads directly to your Apple smartphone or Apple Watch every five minutes and has the ability to predict high and low BG 10-60 minutes ahead of time. The sensor is approved for 7 days of wear. Guardian Connect can also alert others when high or low BG is predicted.
  • The Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump is now approved for use with the Dexcom G6 sensor. New in August 2018, Tandem released the Basal-IQ software update that will suspend basal insulin when BG is predicted to fall below 80 within 30 minutes and resume when BG rises again. The Basal-IQ update can be found here after completing the online training and once the request is approved by the McNeely Diabetes Clinic.


We know that there are many options and each child or teen has different needs! Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Diabetes Educators with individual questions!

Erin Roehl