Planned giving

Create a legacy

Planned giving is a meaningful way to leave a legacy in the Minnesota community, strengthening Children’s Minnesota for the future and supporting our vision in being every family’s partner in raising healthier children.

Join the Guardian Circle

Donors who include Children’s Minnesota in their estate plans are invited to join the Guardian Circle, our honorary society that includes all benefactors who make a legacy gift to ensure the future of outstanding pediatric care in our state.

If you have already made giving plans for Children’s Minnesota in your estate plans, be sure to complete the Children’s Minnesota Guardian Circle Form here.

Different types of planned giving

A bequest is a transfer of cash, securities, or other property through a will or a living trust. A bequest to Children’s Minnesota can be made for a specific amount, or a percentage of your estate. When including Children’s Minnesota in your estate plan, please use the following language:

I give to Children’s Minnesota Foundation, the sum of ______ (or percentage of estate, or description of property) to be used for _________ purposes. I further direct that interest or other income which may be earned by said bequest shall also be paid to Children’s Health Care Foundation from the date of my decease until paid.

As a charitable organization, Children’s Minnesota can receive retirement plan assets completely tax-free. Any assets contributed to Children’s Minnesota in this manner will result in a charitable deduction and help reduce any estate tax your estate might incur.

You may make Children’s Minnesota the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, and your estate will receive a charitable deduction from estate taxes for that gift.

Your residence, farm, vacation home, and commercial or other real estate that you own may be used to make a gift to Children’s Minnesota. Real estate assets can also be donated to the hospital through a bequest.

An arrangement between a donor and a non-profit organization in which the donor receives a regular payment for life based on the value of assets transferred to the organization. After the donor’s death, the assets are retained by the organization.

An irrevocable trust that generates a potential income stream for you, as the donor to the CRT, or other beneficiaries, with the remainder of the donated assets going to your favorite charity or charities.

Our charitable tax identification information is as follows:

Children’s Healthcare Foundation
5901 Lincoln Drive
Edina, MN 55436
Fax: 952-992-6902
Tax ID: 41-1814223

Planned giving story: Bob Knutson

Bob Knutson’s family ties to Children’s Minnesota date back to his 1950s childhood, when his father was an anesthesiologist at the St. Paul hospital. His mother, trained as a nurse before she raised a family, was on the hospital board for several years. The recently retired stockbroker was also a patient at the hospital, once for surgery at age 5, and again at 11, when he got thrown from a spooked horse and ended up with a broken leg. Typical for the time, he spent 6 weeks in the hospital, with his leg in traction.

“I like kids. I’m a big fan of kids, especially my own,” said Bob. “I want my kids and grandkids and great grandkids to have good medical care. I put Children’s Minnesota in my estate plan because I think it’s something you ought to do—to have part of your pile go to good causes instead of just giving it to your kids and grandkids.” In addition to the charitable component in his will, every year Bob contributes to the endowed fund his parents established in his mother’s name. The Eleanor Gray Knutson Endowment supports patients and families who need it most end ensures that no child is turned away regardless of a family’s ability to pay.

Just weeks into his retirement, Bob is looking forward to spending more time at his place on Madeline Island in Lake Superior. His plans include plein air painting. “For 50 years I was a stockbroker, but no more. I’ve never tried this before and expect my painting is not going to be so great, but I’m going to dive in just the same. There are so many cool things to paint up there—beautiful rocks and pine trees. It’s beautiful even in the winter and very quiet. I love it up there.”

Bob Knutson

Thank you for your consideration

We would be happy to answer any questions you or your financial advisors have. Contact us at [email protected].

Content has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors accordingly.


Help us raise ’em up. Children’s Minnesota is building a better future for all kids — but we can’t do it without you. Please give today. So every child can reach their best health.